May 08, 2012

Cite in Lyx using Firefox + Zotero + Lyz

I have been using Lyx to mantain my CV. Knowig little about LaTeX and being lazy to learn LaTeX, I have been seeing Lyz as a friendly document editor on my desktop.

Then I learned how to use Zotero in 2010 and completed the migration from JabRef to Zotero.

Today I am using Lyz, a Firefox add-on that supplements Zotero to cite references in a Lyx document. Wonderful result. 

Here are the steps of how to get it done. Make sure you already are familiar with Lyx and Zotero and have installed Lyz in your Firefox. 

First, get basic setings done:

copy the pipe setting in Lyx and paste it to the setting of Lyz.

Step 2: select references you want to import to Lyx

Right click on the entries and click on "cite in Lyx". Suppose you like to put your citations in a separate bib file, say, test.bib, then let's create it.

Step 3: Insert the bib file into your Lyx document

Step 4: Insert references

Now you can insert references by right click on the entries selected in Zotero and see them show up in Lyx.

Here is the result:

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