December 23, 2013

MOOCs of Hazard Will online education dampen the college experience? Yes. Will it be worth it? Well...

In the spring of 2011, Sebastian Thrun was having doubts about whether the classroom was really the right place to teach his course on artificial intelligence.


April 08, 2013 at 10:54PM

November 28, 2013

向 Google 嗆聲 !23 歲學生在 Raspberry Pi 上設計開源作業系統

Google 關閉閱讀器惹惱了不少人,但這個舉動讓加拿大一位 23 歲的大學生 Jacob Cook 進一步起身捍衛自己權利。


November 27, 2013 at 09:00AM

November 20, 2013

Long commutes are making Americans more politically apathetic

Long commutes are a fact of life for many people — particularly here in the Washington area — and commuting brings with it an increased risk of many bad outcomes: obesity, divorce, insomnia, and on and on.


November 20, 2013 at 05:18AM

November 01, 2013

PaperShip 2.0 for Zotero

New iOS app brings Zotero libraries and PDF annotation to mobile devices. SEPTEMBER 2, 2013 Lyon, France.


November 01, 2013 at 10:43AM

October 30, 2013

Facebook 50 萬讚就結婚,按讚時代瞬間爆紅

這網路時代之中,在 Facebook 按讚已經是不少人每天例行公事,最近則是流行了一股按讚就做一件事的風潮,其中熱度最高的就是集滿 50 萬個讚結婚事件。此外,也有不少集到讚就做一些荒唐事的集氣文,網路前的你我也許都參


April 15, 2013 at 01:09PM

October 20, 2013

NetLogo in Science, Education, and Policy

On the screen, computer-generated ants scramble to find food to take back to the next. When they succeed, they leave a pheromone trail, helping other ants find their way to the food.


October 17, 2013 at 11:32PM

October 01, 2013

Three terrible academic habits

There’s been a lot of criticism lately of badly written science, following the publication of Michael Billig’s Learn to Write Badly: How to Succeed in the Social Sciences in which Billig writes: "The author is not someone who is offering criticisms as an outsider looking in upon a strange world.


October 01, 2013 at 04:05AM

September 27, 2013

Who’s Not Online and Why

I found this article interesting:

As of May 2013, 15% of American adults ages 18 and older do not use the internet or email. Even among the 85% of adults who do go online, experiences connecting to the internet may vary widely.