November 21, 2010

Bye-bye, Sunbird

Sunbird 是我使用多時的日曆軟體,它可以與google calendar同步。

Bye, Sunbird. Go, Go, Go, Thunderbird!

November 20, 2010



June 25, 2010

SEM + R = OpenMx

Now R users are able to do advanced structural equation modeling!
If you knows R, check out this package that I learned in KU's summer institute: OpenMX

June 15, 2010

Attend the ICA Online Conference online for free!

Register Now!

When: June 21-30, 2010
Where: Online
Cost: Free!

Hosted in partnership with Wiley-Blackwell, the first ICA Online Conference will occur in tandem with the ICA 2010 Conference in Singapore and last a few days after the live event closes. For Communication scholars and professionals or for anyone interested in this important field of research, the Online Conference offers a free and convenient opportunity to connect with your peers.

Designed to spark conversation and scholarly discussion on “Matters of Communication,” the Online Conference website will feature a variety of hosted content:

- Keynote Podcast Address
- Five Papers Plus Commentaries and Discussion Site
- Six Publishing Workshops
- Virtual Book Exhibit
- 20% Conference Discount on Wiley-Blackwell books

Conference content will be released throughout the 10-day event, allowing you to listen to podcasts, read the papers, and join in the discussion when it’s convenient for you.

Whether you are unable to go to Singapore or just want to extend your experience with online interaction, the ICA Online Conference is free and can be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection.

Don’t miss out! Register Today for this unique and exciting event!

June 08, 2010

在Linux下使用用rsync + crontab來自動備份資料可以比美Mac下的time machine

以後系統可以定時自動備份,為自己每天的生活多省下了一點時間,感覺還不錯。至少這樣子已經讓我的Linux FC12可以運作得像有time machine的Mac了。
雖然Mac的time machine很聰明,不需要手動,但我發現它的檔案格式並不友善(一定要format成mac格式),而且備份硬碟容量需要很多(像iMac有500G,備份磁碟容量就不能少於500Gb),不夠經濟。


May 16, 2010

Here is another summer school on social simulation

I wish I can go there!
The First ESSA Summer School in Social Simulation (University of Brescia, Department of Social Sciences, 13-17 September 2010)

I wish I could be there if I am a student again.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:     Reminder: 5 bursaries available for UK full-time students to
attend Social Simulation Summer School in Italy
Date:     Fri, 14 May 2010 15:50:03 +0100
From:     SIMIAN <>
Reply-To:     SIMIAN <>

Computational modelling is a new method for the social sciences,
combining many of the advantages of quantitative and qualitative
approaches. It also has distinctive benefits of its own. SIMIAN:
Simulation: a Node of ESRC National Centre for Research Methods wishes
to encourage UK postgraduate students from any discipline who would like
to apply mixed methods or use an innovative method for their research to
attend the Social Simulation Summer School, which will be held in the
University of Brescia, Italy from 13th to 17th September 2010.

The Summer School in Social Simulation aims to provide a comprehensive
educational programme on the basics of this new field. Lectures range
from epistemological to methodological issues, from examples of real
world applications to policy implications, and are accompanied by
modelling exercises, student papers and the discussion of research
projects, and tutoring sessions. Lecturers at the Summer School include:

Iqbal Adjali (Unilever, UK)
Riccardo Boero (University of Torino, Italy)
Giangiacomo Bravo (University of Torino, Italy)
Claudio Cioffi-Revilla (George Mason University, Fairfax, USA)
Rosaria Conte (CNR, Rome, Italy)
Nigel Gilbert (University of Surrey, UK)
Bridget Rosewell (Volterra Consulting, UK)
Juliette Rouchier (GREQAM, Marseille, France)
Klaus G. Troitzsch (University of Koblenz-Landau, Germany)
More details can be found

SIMIAN will offer 5 bursaries to postgraduate students who are
registered full time at ESRC recognised institutions in the UK to attend
the summer school.

To apply, please send your CV, a one page description of your
dissertation/research project and a letter of support from your
supervisor by email to by 31st May 2010 at the
latest. And register at:


The bursary covers the registration fee and accommodation only.
Eligible students should be full time postgraduate students who
currently are (and will be by 18th Sep 2010) registered at a ESRC
recognised institution in the UK.
Researchers or staff in UK High Education Institutions can seek funding
from The ESRC Research Resources Board (, applications open from
the beginning of April onwards. Success rate is fairly good.
Notification will be sent out by 30th June 2010.

If you have any queries, please contact

April 15, 2010

R bloggers!

It's great to discover that there is a blogger of R users/bloggers. Check this out and see how professional R users can become!

April 14, 2010

中山大學19號舉辦講座:Romance, love and marriage with a Buddhist Perspective

April 08, 2010

10 tips for making your R graphics look their best

I found that this page gives helpful advices for creating high-quality images in R.

March 29, 2010

Wow. Is it true?

台灣助理教授月薪約6萬元,副教授約8萬元,教授10萬元,與外國相比,算是廉價的「知識勞工」。國民所得比我們差一截的中國,助理教授薪水是台灣的2 倍;教授可高達台灣的3~5倍,香港與新加坡平均約為台灣的3~4倍。(引自鄭盈湧的部落格)