July 31, 2009

For more information about using LyX and Sweave in Windows machines...

Check out the updated instruction by Murat Yildizoglu here: http://yildizoglu.blogspot.com/2009/02/lyx-and-sweave-under-windows-xp.html
And a wonderful paper "Using Swave with Lyx" by Gregor Gorjanc is worth reading, too: http://gregor.gorjanc.googlepages.com/lyx-sweave

LyX and Sweave

I am dreaming if someday I have enough time to write a Chinese text book about how to use R to replace SPSS in processing survey datasets. I am dreaming this book is done with LyX and the R codes in the book are well incorporated into the book. Then I thought about Sweave, a tool that I heard about when I was in  graduate school.

After some  hours of reviewing concepts about shell and online materials about Sweave, I am writing down the steps for setting up the LyX-Sweave environment in a Linux (Fedora 11) machine:

A good guidance of installation and example Lyx files provided by Paul Johnson are available here: http://wiki.lyx.org/LyX/LyxWithRThroughSweave. Below is a bit updated information about the steps.

1. Create a file named Rweave in /usr/local/bin, where two lines of codes are put into the file:
echo "library(\"utils\"); Sweave(\"$1\")" | R --no-save --no-restore

2. Put Noweb.sty and Sweave.sty in /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/noweb (create the folder "noweb" if necessary). Noweb.sty can be downloaded here and Sweave.sty is available in your R library: /usr/share/R/texmf/Sweave.sty.

3. In the terminal, change to the root, type "texhash" to update the tex system. Then go to LyX, Tools -> Reconfigure. Next, restart LyX.

4. In LyX, Tools->Preferences-->File Handling, choose "Noweb" in "From format" and "LaTeX(pdflatex)" in "To format". Then, in converter box, type "Rweave $$i". Hit Add and Save.

5. Then you can try to open the example files and making the pdf files.